Wednesday, March 25, 2015
RIP Shirley Knapp
I received word earlier today that Shirley Knapp passed away on March 22. I don't have any details at this time about funeral arrangements, but will post when I do.
Shirley always had such a bright happy smile, and just look at those dimples. She will be missed by friends and family.
RIP, Shirley.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
News from Barry Stott
I received an email from Barry Stott that I wanted to share. Interesting reading!
When I started as a disc jockey in radio in upstate Pennsylvania back in 1966, I became good friends with another disc jockey who came to work at the same station where I was. His name is Kelly Watts. He was best man at my wedding. Anyway, we lost touch over the years, in fact we lost touch for about 30 years. He had been trying to locate me for several years, and last summer we finally made contact by email and telephone. (He and I now live too far apart to see each other, but we email each other regularly and talk on the phone every few months.) Right now he is doing an internet radio show of ALL oldies. His show is on every Sunday, and it is now heard on 2 PA. stations, one station in North Carolina, and throughout ALL of Canada. He is working on picking up more stations. His show is 3 hours long, and each week he does all the songs from a particular year (ONLY between the years 1955 thru 1975). This past Sunday was 1969, and the show the week before was from 1962, which was a great year for music. In the last half hour of every show he counts down from 5 to 1 the top 5 songs from the charts for that particular date. He also gives interesting tid bits like prices of food, cars, houses, popular TV shows, toys and games, etc. One show each month he ditches the yearly format and does a specialty show, where all the music has to do with the specialty. For instance one specialty show was all records dealing with "destinations" --- another one was all summer related music. He is also great about digging up a few oldies that we all would remember when hearing them, but we most likely haven't heard them played for years. The name of his show is appropriately called "The Class Reunion".
The reason I thought Lynn might be able to post this where people would see it is that this Sunday, March 8th, his show is oldies from the year 1963. I thought some classmates might be interested because of the year. The week after, March 15th should be a good one also. It is a specialty show on "One Hit Wonders". And the one I'm really looking forward to is the specialty show on April 12th, which is "Girl Groups". His show on the internet begins every Sunday at 6 PM (Eastern), 5 PM(Central), 4 PM (RM), and 3 PM (Pacific), and the show lasts for 3 hours. Rather than list the 2 PA. stations, and the NC station, I will give you the Canadian website (LTD radio Canada). I have found out thru experience this is the easiest one to get to quickly and without any hassle. Anyone interested should type into the Google Bar the following: "Listen live LTD radio Canada". It will take you to a list of choices and you will click onto that one. (It may say tune-in on the site also). I have also found that the actual Google Bar makes it easier to get to the site. One more thing, LTD usually starts Kelly's show about 2 or 3 minutes past the hour, so if you tune in and hear a song playing that isn't particularly old it is the last song LTD network is playing before he starts his show. So just keep it on until you hear his theme song and his introduction. Also there is a possibility "tune-in" may ask you if you want to subscribe to it, but it is NOT necessary to subscribe in order to get Kelly's show over the internet on LTD.
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