It doesn't seem possible that it's been 60 years since we left UMHS! The school is still standing - and so are we!
Our reunion weekend started on Friday night, October 21, at Miller's Ale House for an informal get-together. There were about 28 of us there. One thing I noticed - hardly anyone was taking pictures. We were all too busy catching up with those we haven't seen in a few years.
A special thank you to Sam Paone, who generously picked up the check for us.
Joyce Argue and Carol Ann McClure checking the menu
Me showing Norma Brinkley and her daughter Susanne where we are all sitting
Bonnie Mills and unofficial 63 Tom Goodnow. Tom has come to all of our reunions - time to make him Official. Sitting further back are Ray Roberts and his brother.
Don Buehler and Linda Colbeck
Doris Weiler smiling for us. Behind Doris to the left are Nancy Telmosse's husband and son-in-law, checking out the fun we were having.
Speaking of Nancy, here she is showing Joyce and Carol Ann something on her phone. Where would we be without our phones??
Three handsome men - Allan Brandt, Sam Paone, and Tony Pileggi. We really had some handsome guys in our class!
Carole Lehman and her husband, Chip. Further down, Bill Ischinger, Don Buehler, Linda Colbeck, and me at the end. You can only see her finger, but next to me was Lynda Wildermuth. Sorry we didn't get a better picture of Lynda.
Bill Ischinger talking to Ray Roberts. Carole Lehman and I talking to Norma Brinkley and her daughter Susanne, while Judy VonGerichten's husband, Barry, strikes a handsome pose.
After a fun evening, we moved on to Saturday afternoon at Giuseppe's Pizza for the actual reunion.
Giuseppe's does such a nice job setting pretty tables for us. Thanks to Nancy Telmosse, Joyce Argue, and Carol Ann McClure for the beautiful centerpieces.
We welcomed back our fantastic DJ, Ron Fasano.
Sam Paone got us started with a rousing rendition of God Bless America. A lovely way to start the day.
Thank you Sam. That's me and the back of Shirley Bolmarcich.
We started the afternoon doing something we never did before. We read the names of all the classmates who had served in the military. Those present stood and we gave them a big thank you for their service. I'll list all the names in a separate post.
Then we read the names of our deceased classmates. We had a board, listing the names (along with the veterans), and had a book with pictures of the ones we lost too soon. It was hard reading all those names. Especially hard for me to read Jimmy's name. Again, I'll list all the names in a separate post. We need to remember everyone.
Now, bunches of pictures in no particular order!
Don Buehler and Linda Colbeck were among the first to arrive. Check out the picture from our Washington trip in the back.
Egil Nilsson, Carol Ann McClure, Joyce Argue, and Beverly Rowland remembering a lot of good times, in and out of school.
Nancy Telmosse's husband Jim Lyons with Carol Ann McClure. They go back a long time. Jim won half of our 50/50.
David Lear, recoving from a knee replacement, with his smiling wife Pam. Of course she's smiling, she won the other half of the 50/50! Behind them, Shirley Bolmarcich, Joyce Argue, Nancy Telmosse, Carol Ann McClure, and Egil Nilsson.
A happy picture of Sue Hortman, Crystal Thompson, and her husband Mic McDonald.
Here's a nice picture of John and Bonnie Howarth
Harvey Gordon and his sweet wife Jean. Jean has been a little under the weather lately, and we're so glad she was able to be here.
A happy Philip Diener with Sue Hortman looking on.
Judy VonGerichten and her hubby, Barry Pfeil came in from North Carolina.
Handsome men alert - Bill Ischinger, Allan Brandt, and Tony Pileggi. I know we've all gotten a little older, but Tony has found the Fountain of Youth. He never ages!
Norma Brinkley came with her daughter from Virginia, Carole Lehman and Chip came from North Carolina. Denny Johnson had a shorter trip as he has stayed kinda local. Denny did all the artwork for our reunion booklet. Great job, Denny!
John Heins, Judy Miller, and Philip Diener looking through our book. You can see the Memorial and Veteran poster behind John.
Sam and Harvey checking out the ever-present phone.
I think Carole was happy to be here!
Tony, Sam, Bonnie and John looking all cute!
Tina and I in deep conversation - probably about the song A Million to One that our DJ played for her. Don, are you listening in?
Let's see. Shirley looking for something on the floor. Sandi Marchant watching. Joan Freeland, who was stuck on the turnpike for ages because of a big crash, talking to Linda. I spy Ray Roberts at a table with Norma on the left.
Here's Denny with the latecomers, Joan and her husband John McGowan. Glad they got here safely.
Me, John Heins, and Judy Miller and some empty plates. The food was good!
More handsome men - Sam, Allan, and John McDonald. John has an extra reason to be happy - he and Tina were just married a week before the reunion!
Here's the happy couple sitting with Allan!
Judy catching up with Bonnie and John
David, Doris Weiler, and Tony, with Sandi and Bonnie Mills behind them.

Howarth and Heins - two Johns!
Crystal and Mic - glad they joined us today!
And a pretty smile from Judy!
And big smiles from Beverly and Egil!
Handsome Allan!
I don't know what Doris was talking about, but Beverly seemed to get a kick out of it!
Don, Linda, and Bill
Crystal and Carole sharing a laugh. In the back, Doris and Ray talking to Tina.
Doris and Tina, with Beverly, Don, and Linda in deep conversation.
This is a great picture of Judy!
Carole and Tina, old friends since Junior High
Bill checking out our yearbook. I see John Mankelwicz, Jack Manning, Carol MacKibben, Joel Marks, Betty Matthews, and Carol Ann McClure!
Doris and Joan must be singing Stop! In the Name of Love! with John doing back-up!
Shirley and Doris
Old friends - Linda, Don, and Beverly
Crystal and Mic with our Class of 63 banner behind them.
Gary O'Hara - stop checking your watch! The party is still young! I'm sure Shirley, Nancy, and Joyce agree!
Shirley and David looking through the memorial book. Too many pictures in that book.
Tom Goodnow and I - where's Bonnie?
Here she is!
We didn't have an actual dance floor, but Shirley and Gary found a nice little corner. I think this was a Righteous Brothers song.
Nancy and Gary remembered how to do the Bristol Stomp!
Ron played all the music we grew up with and loved. He even sang a couple Elvis songs for us. Including The Wonder of You which he sang for me. My thoughts about Jimmy exactly.
I guess Harvey saw how that song affected me, so he asked me to dance. Thank you, Harvey, that meant a lot to me.
And all of a sudden it was over. We packed up our goodie bags, picked up the flowers, and said goodbye. I had sworn not to do another big reunion like this one, but everyone seems to want to continue small get togethers. Maybe a spur of the moment lunch or dinner. We'll see what the future brings.
But wait! For some of us, it wasn't quite over. About 15 of us gathered on Sunday morning at Hatboro Dish for a farewell breakfast. Only 2 pictures - we were too busy eating!
We have got to get better about taking more pictures!
Judy and Barry joined us before heading back to North Carolina.
See that couple behind Barry? My next door neighbors!

Judy and Doris. A special thank you to Doris for treating us all to breakfast!
Thank you to everyone who attended the weekend festivities.
And a special thank you to all who helped me put this together - John and Tina for the book and cupcakes, Denny for the artwork, Tony and Allan for the memorial and veterans boards and book, Joyce and Carol Ann for helping Nancy with the flowers, and Nancy for being my sounding board and emotional support. Love you all!