Wednesday, October 31, 2018

And the Guests Started Arriving

Right around 5 our guests started to arrive.  Stop in the hallway to find your nametag and book, then enter the main room and start looking around to see who else is here.  Find a table with old friends. Lots of hugs and kisses.  Lots of "You look great!" Lots of "How have you been?"

It seemed that a lot of people congregated around the bar, mostly the men.  I don't know why they do this, but it's very common.  Have you noticed that?

Let's take a look at all the guests getting reacquainted.  Can you identify everyone?

Sometimes, you need to go out into the hallway where it's quiet to talk.

And we made new friends too!

Our bartender Larry with Janet and Bev

Mike Lyons (Nancy's husband) with our waitress Donna.  Mike said he was going to marry her because she kept bringing him hot appetizers!

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