Wednesday, October 31, 2018

And So It Begins

Before any party starts, the decorations must be placed and everything must be in order.

 Balloons - every party must have balloons! And we had BIG ones!

Thanks to Judy VonGerichten for the balloons!

And the banners had to be hung!

We had the signed banner from the 50th, the super-sized Washington Trip photo and our new Class of '63 Forever banner.

Thanks Joyce and Bill for helping!

The reception table held the classmate booklets and the Memorial for those who have left us too soon.

Thanks for John McDonald and Tina Hollingsworth for your work on this table.

Artwork by Denny Johnson and notice the Golden Bear nametags!

Back inside again, the centerpieces were placed.  Lovely dish gardens created by LeRoy Florists in Hatboro.

Thanks to Nancy Telmosse for getting the centerpieces.  They were raffled off later in the evening.

A yearbook added for browsing.

A table full of props for funny pictures, courtesy of Carolyn Boscola, our special photographer. You'll see these again!

And cake! Must have cake!  Karen West did a great job getting the cake for us.

A special thank you to Susan Forepaugh for baking a delicious German chocolate cake for those who are gluten free.  I couldn't get a picture before it was cut.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, these are heart throbbing arrangements. I loved taking a look at these photos. For my grandfather’s 80th birthday celebrations, I too would be hosting the vintage gold and black inspired party at one of the rental home studios NYC. It is a surprise bash and we have invited some of his school time friends too. Can’t wait to see his expressions.
