Saturday, October 12, 2013

Back to the Willow Inn for More Pictures

Judy VonGerichten sent me a bunch of great pictures.  Take a look.

 A great looking banner.  I hope everyone got a chance to sign it at the reunion.

I wonder what Nancy Telmosse is talking about.  Anne Stephens and Bev Rowland sure seem interested.  There's John McDonald's white shirt behind Anne and Pete Constantine looking down.  Jim Pearson's red shirt is behind Nancy standing with Sue Ritchie.  Joel Marks is to Nancy's left.

Anne Stephens - what a fun picture!  Bev Roland's black shirt, Jim Pearson's red shirt, Sue Ritchie talking to John Heins, Sam Paone with Bill Ischinger and Bill Burger behind him.

 Anne Stephens - much better!  So pretty!  Same crew behind her - Bev, Jim, Sue, John, Sam, Bill

I'm on the right, talking to Carol Loutey and her husband Joe Wright.  I think Joe graduated a couple of years ahead of us.  They came in from Oklahoma.

Carol Loutey and Sue Ritchie.  Behind Sue are Tina Hollingsworth, Lynda Wildermuth and me.

Janet Seely brought her yearbook.  Looks like she and Jim Chiodo were going over old times.  The lady behind Jim is Pam Constantine, standing next to Pete but I can't identify the person in the black jacket.

Jim Chiodo speaking to Joan Freeland's husband.  Wake up Jim!

Jim Pearson with a pretty impressive beard, with Karen West.

Here's Jim Pearson again with his lovely wife Terri.  Sue Ritchie and John Heins behind them.

Jim McGhee talking to Judy Neill.  In the back Judy VonGerichten is talking to Sally Eynon, Joyce Argue is talking to Shirley Bolmarcich, and Gary O'Hara is contemplating life.

Joan McNickle is sitting with Jon Herbst, our Class of 64 party crasher.  Judy Neill's elbow is on the left, and Gary O'Hara is still contemplating life.

Judy Neill with Jim Chiodo.  To the left Jim McGhee, in front Tony Pileggi.  Behind Judy are Bev Rowland and Joyce Argue.  Sitting to the right in yellow is Ellen Colbeck, and the pinkish shirt belongs to Shirley Bolmarcich.

A good looking group - Ray Roberts, Donna Dreisbach, Sam Paone, and Sandy Granato.

Here's Judy Neill again with Robin Wright in the background.

Now Robin Wright takes the forefront with Pete Constantine.

Sally Eynon is jumping laps!  This time with Harvey Gordon.  That looks like Jim McGhee's arm on the left, and Carole Lehman sitting at a table in the back.

Shirley Bolmarcich and Carole Lehman - probably remembering their days at the Lehman Studio of Dance.

The three of us were together all the time - Tina Hollingsworth, Lynda Wildermuth and me.

Tony Pileggi and Joan Freeland.  Joan - open those pretty eyes!  Pam Constantine is standing in the back.

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